Book Summary:
Object-Oriented PHP for the Busy Beginner is a comprehensive guide to OOP in PHP, covering classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism with examples and code snippets.
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Object-Oriented PHP for the Busy Beginner is a comprehensive guide to object-oriented programming in PHP. This book provides an easy-to-follow approach to learning the fundamentals of OOP and understanding how to use them to build powerful applications. It covers topics such as classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism with plenty of examples and code snippets. This book is written in a light and fun style and is perfect for anyone who wants to quickly and effectively learn OOP in PHP.
Chapter Summary: This chapter covers the fundamentals of object-oriented programming such as classes, objects, and properties. It explains how to create a class, how to instantiate objects, and how to access and modify their properties. It also includes examples of how to use classes and objects in practice.
This chapter explains the importance of classes and objects in object-oriented programming and how to use them in PHP. It includes an introduction to the key concepts of classes and objects, a discussion of the principles of object-oriented programming and how to create and use classes and objects in PHP.
This section explains how to define classes in PHP, including how to declare properties and methods, and how to use constructors and destructors. It covers the syntax of defining classes and provides examples of how to do so.
This section explains how to instantiate objects from classes in PHP. It includes how to create an instance of a class and how to use the new keyword. It also covers how to access properties and methods of an object and how to pass arguments to a constructor.
This section explains how to use class inheritance in PHP. It covers how to extend a class, how to use the parent keyword and how to override methods. It provides examples of how to create and use subclasses.
This section explains how to use polymorphism in PHP. It covers the concept of polymorphism, how to use interfaces and abstract classes, and how to use type hinting. It provides examples of how to implement polymorphism in PHP.
This section explains how to use access control in PHP. It covers the public, protected and private keywords, how to use getters and setters, and how to use the static keyword. It provides examples of how to use access control in PHP.
This section explains how to use object serialization in PHP. It covers the concept of serialization, how to use the serialize() and unserialize() functions, and how to serialize objects to and from a file. It provides examples of how to do this.
This section explains how to use object iteration in PHP. It covers how to iterate through objects, how to use the foreach loop, and how to use the Iterator interface. It provides examples of how to do this.
This section explains how to use object cloning in PHP. It covers how to clone an object, how to use the clone keyword and how to use the __clone() method. It provides examples of how to do this.
This section explains how to use object comparison in PHP. It covers how to compare objects, how to use the == and === operators, and how to use the instanceof operator. It provides examples of how to do this.
This section explains how to use object typecasting in PHP. It covers how to convert an object to a primitive data type, how to use the (array) operator, and how to use the (string) operator. It provides examples of how to do this.
This section explains how to use anonymous objects in PHP. It covers how to create an anonymous object, how to use the new keyword, and how to use the object operator. It provides examples of how to do this.
This section explains how to use exceptions in PHP. It covers how to throw an exception, how to catch an exception, and how to use the try
This section explains how to use static methods in PHP. It covers how to declare a static method, how to use the self keyword, and how to use the static keyword. It provides examples of how to do this.
This chapter provides an introduction to object-oriented programming in PHP, covering topics such as classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism. It includes practical examples and code snippets for implementing these techniques and building applications using OOP PHP.